Esta es la primera edición de los Barcelona Type & Design Workshops lanzados por BaseDesign y Enric Jardí. Dos semanas de clases enfocadas en el diseño tipográfico y el uso de la tipografía, tanto para profesionales como estudiantes.
Ya hay algunos workshops confirmados como el de Tony Brooks (Spin), Ken Barber (House Industries), Anthony Burrill, Cyrus Highsmith (Font Bureau) and Johnny Kelly.
This is the first edition of the Barcelona Type & Design Workshops by BaseDesign and Enric Jardí. Two-week period to focus in type design and use of typography. The workshops are designed fro professionals and advanced students and are open to participants from all countries. These are the comfirmed workshops, Tony Brooks (Spin), Ken Barber (House Industries), Anthony Burrill, Cyrus Highsmith (Font Bureau) and Johnny Kelly.
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